
[ K ]

Kalanchoe daigremontiana [ Mexican Hat Plant ]

Kalanchoe tomentosa [ Panda Plant ]

Kalmia latifolia [ Mountain Laurel ]

Kennedia rubicunda [ Dusky Coral Pea ]

Kerria japonica [ Easter Rose; Japanese Kerria ]

Kirengeshoma palmata [ Yellow Wax-bells ]

Kitaibela vitifolia [ Russian Hibiscus ]

Knautia macedonica [ Pastel Pincushion Flower ]

Kniphofia uvaria [ Red Hot Poker ]

[ L ]

Laburnum sp. [ Golden Rain ]

Lactuca sativa [ Lettuce ]

Lagurus ovatus [ Hare’s Tail ]

Lamium galeobdolon [ Yellow Archangel ]

Lamium maculatum [ Spotted Deadnettle ]

Lantana camara [ Common Lantana ]

Larix decidua [ European Larch ]

Lathyrus aureus [ Golden Pea ]

Lathyrus grandiflorus [ Everlasting Pea ]

Lathyrus vernus [ Spring Vetchling; Spring Pea ]

Laurus nobilis [ Bay Tree; Bayleaf ]

Lavandula angustifolia [ English Lavender ]

Lavandula pinnata [ Fern Leaf Lavender ]

Lavandula stoechas [ French Lavender ]

Lavatera maritima [ Tree Mallow ]

Lavatera trimestris [ Annual Rose Mallow ]

Leptinella squalida [ Brass Buttons ]

Leptosiphon androsaceus [ False Babystars ]

Leptospermum scoparium [ New Zealand Tea Tree; Manuka ]

Leucanthemum x superbum [ Shasta Daisy ]

Leucojum vernum [ Spring Snowflake ]

Leucothoe axillaris [ Coastal Leucothoe; Fetterbush ]

Leucothoe fontanesiana [ Drooping Leucothoe; Fetterbush ]

Leucothoe keiskei [ Japanese Leucothoe; Fetterbush ]

Lewisia cotyledon [ Siskiyou Lewsia ]

Leycesteria formosa [ Himalayan Honeysuckle; Pheasant Berry ]

Liatris spicata [ Gayfeather ]

Libertia peregrinans [ New Zealand Iris; Mikoikoi ]

Ligularia dentata [ Golden Groundsel ]

Ligularia przewalskii [ Przewalski’s Golden Ray ]

Ligularia stenocephala [ Leopard Plant ]

Ligustrum delavayanum [ Delavay Privet ]

Ligustrum vulgare [ Common Privet ]

Lilium lancifolium [ Tiger Lily ]

Lilium martagon [ Turkscap Lily ]

Lilium regale [ Regal Lily ]

Lilium sp. [ Common Lily ]

Limnanthes douglasii [ Poached Egg Plant ]

Linum bienne [ Pale Flax ]

Linum grandiflorum [ Flowering Flax ]

Liquidambar styraciflua [ Sweetgum ]

Liriodendron tulipifera [ Tulip Tree ]

Liriope muscari [ Big Blue Lilyturf ]

Lithodora diffusa [ Lithodora ]

Lobelia cardinalis [ Cardinal Flower ]

Lobelia erinus [ Annual Lobelia ]

Lobelia tupa [ Indian Tobacco; Pukeweed ]

Lobelia x speciosa [ Hybrid Lobelia ]

Lobularia maritima [ Sweet Alyssum ]

Lonicera alseuosmoides [ Evergreen Honeysuckle ]

Lonicera nitida [ Shrubby Honeysuckle ]

Lonicera periclymenum [ Climbing Honeysuckle ]

Lonicera tatarica [ Tatarian Honeysuckle ]

Lonicera x brownii [ Scarlet Trumpet Honeysuckle ]

Lophomyrtus x ralphii [ Lophomyrtus ]

Loropetalum chinense [ Fringe Flower; Chinese Witchhazel ]

Lotus corniculatus [ Bird’s-foot Trefoil ]

Lotus tetragonolobus [ Asparagus Pea ]

Luma apiculata[ Chilean Myrtle ]

Lupinus polyphyllus [ Big Leaf Lupine ]

Lychnis chalcedonica [ Jerusalem Cross; Maltese Cross ]

Lychnis coronaria [ Rose Campion; Mullein Pink ]

Lychnis flos-cuculi [ Ragged Robin ]

Lycium barbarum [ Chinese Box Thorn; Goji Wolfberry ]

Lycopersicon esculentum [ Tomato ]

Lysichiton americanus [ Yellow Skunk Cabbage; Swamp Lantern ]

Lysimachia ciliata [ Fringed Loosestrife ]

Lysimachia clethroides [ Gooseneck Loosestrife ]

Lysimachia nummularia [ Creeping Jenny ]

Lysimachia punctata [ Yellow Loosestrife ]

Lythrum salicaria [ Purple Loosestrife ]

[ M ]

Macleaya cordata [ Plume Poppy ]

Magnolia sieboldii [ Oyama Magnolia ]

Magnolia stellata [ Star Magnolia ]

Magnolia x loebneri [ Loebner Magnolia ]

Magnolia x soulangeana [ Saucer Magnolia ]

Mahonia x media [ Oregon Grape ]

Mahonia x wagneri [ Wagner Mahonia ]

Maianthemum racemosum [ False Solomon’s Seal ]

Malus domestica [ Common Apple ]

Malva moschata [ Musk Mallow ]

Mandevilla laxa [ Chilean Jasmine ]

Marah fabaceus [ Bigroot ]

Matteuccia struthiopteris [ Ostrich Fern ]

Matthiola incana [ Hoary Stock; Gillyflower ]

Matthiola longipetala [ Night-scented Stock ]

Mazus reptans [ Creeping Mazus ]

Meconopsis cambrica [ Welsh Poppy ]

Meconopsis grandis [ Himalayan Blue Poppy ]

Melianthus major [ Honey Bush ]

Melissa officinalis [ Lemon Balm ]

Melittis melissophyllum [ Bastard Balm ]

Mentha cervina [ Hart’s Pennyroyal Mint ]

Mentha spicata [ Spearmint ]

Microcachrys tetragona [ Strawberry Pine ]

Mespilus germanica [ Common Medlar ]

Mimulus x hybridus [ Monkey Flower ]

Miscanthus sinensis [ Maiden Grass ]

Monarda citriodora [ Lemon Beebalm ]

Monarda sp. [ Bee Balm ]

Morina longifolia [ Himalayan Whorlflower ]

Morus nigra [ Black Mulberry ]

Muscari armeniacum [ Grape Hyacinth ]

Muscari latifolium [ Grape Hyacinth ]

Myosotidium hortensia [ Giant Forget-me-not ]

Myosotis scorpioides [ Water Forget-me-not ]

Myosotis sylvatica [ Woodland Forget-me-not ]

[ N ]

Nandina domestica [ Heavenly Bamboo ]

Narcissus sp. [ Narcissus; Daffodil ]

Nectaroscordum siculum [ Sicilian Honey Garlic ]

Nemesia caerulea [ Nemesia ]

Nemesia denticulata [ Nemesia ]

Nemesia strumosa [ Pouch Nemesia ]

Nemophila menziesii [ Baby Blue-eyes ]

Nepeta subsessilis [ Japanese Catmint; Catnip ]

Nepeta x faassenii [ Fassen’s Catmint; Catnip ]

Nerine bowdenii [ Bowden Cornish Lily ]

Nerium oleander [ Oleander ]

Nicandra physalodes [ Apple of Peru; Shoo-fly ]

Nicotiana x sanderae [ Flowering Tobacco ]

Nigella damascena [ Love-in-a-mist ]

Nolana paradoxa [ Chilean Bell Flower ]

Nothofagus procera [ Rauli Beech ]

Nuphar lutea [ Yellow Pond Lily; Cowlily; Spatterdock ]

[ O ]

Ocimum basilicum [ Basil ]

Oemleria cerasiformis [ Indian Plum ]

Oenothera biennis [ Evening Primrose ]

Oenothera macrocarpa [ Ozark Sundrops ]

Oenothera speciosa [ Pink Evening Primrose ]

Olea europaea [ Olive ]

Olearia chesemanii [ Daisy Bush; Tanguru ]

Olearia macrodonta [ Daisy Bush; Arorangi ]

Olearia phlogopappa [ Daisy Bush ]

Omphalodes cappadocica [ Navelwort ]

Omphalodes verna [ Blue-eyed Mary ]

Onoclea sensibilis [ Sensitive Fern; Bead Fern ]

Onosma rigida [ Onosma ]

Ophiopogon planiscapus [ Black Mondo Grass ]

Origanum vulgare [ Oregano; Wild Marjoram ]

Orlaya grandiflora [ White Lace Flower ]

Ornithogalum dubium [ Sun Star ]

Ornithogalum umbellatum [ Star-of-Bethlehem ]

Osmanthus delavayi [ Tea Olive ]

Osmanthus heterophyllus [ Chinese Holly ]

Osmunda regalis [ Royal Fern ]

Osteospermum jucundum [ African Daisy ]

Othonna cheirifolia [ Othonna ]

Oxalis acetosella [ Wood Sorrel ]

Oxalis oregana [ Redwood Sorrel ]

Oxalis spiralis [ Volcanic Sorrel ]

Oxalis tetraphylla [ Lucky Clover ]

Ozothamnus ledifolius [ Kerosene Bush ]

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Carl Linnaeus (Swedish original name Carl Nilsson Linnæus, 23 May 1707 – 10 January 1778), also known after his ennoblement as About this sound Carl von Linné was a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, who laid the foundations for the modern scheme of binomial nomenclature. He is known as the father of modern taxonomy, and is also considered one of the fathers of modern ecology. Many of his writings were in Latin, and his name is rendered in Latin as Carolus Linnæus (after 1761 Carolus a Linné) Read more on:é

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